A sustainability business means a business works under a sustainability mode which includes reducing environmental impacts, undertaking social responsibilities and promoting economic prosperity. Science and technology growth very fast in the past century but they also caused many environmental damage such as ozone depletion, climate change and fouling of natural resources. Also because the world population’s enormous growth, gap between the rich and poor becomes huge and most people on the planet are living in bad conditions. At the end of 20 century, some countries and organizations stated to think about “what can we do to help the world?” and finally they brought out the concept of sustainability development. The concept became a wind of change blows over the world. In nowadays, many decision makers in companies take this as a main category in their PR strategy.
The well known case should be the computer software giant, Microsoft. Microsoft changed the world for two times. It brought computers to almost all corners around the planet and it started to make the world to participate in public utilities using its huge influence and abundant fund. The slogan:”Change the world just by doing something you’re doing already.” appeared in March, 2007 and the “I’m activity” soon spread over by Live messenger and Hotmail. What users need to do is adding a word to their showing ID and Microsoft will donate money to the Red Cross, National AIDS Fund, Sierra Club and other charities. Even Microsoft only uses little money in its profit to support this plan, but the influence is huge and the result shows this is not only a success public welfare motion but also a great consulting strategy. The leader of search engine Google also promoted an activity on its 10 years old birthday: The “Project 10 to the 100th”. Google will investment on 5 top ideas collected from Internet users to make the world better.
If a business want to sustainability develop, first, of cause it have to earn money. After earning money and increase the economic growth, the business should spend some money or other resource to help solving environmental and social problems to earn trust and good relation from the public. Then the business is able to keep working and sustainability develops. Microsoft, Google, many global companies like Philips, Coca-cola, Nike, Sony, Mcafee, and Motorola already improved the possibility of the concept of sustainability business. We could look forward other big brands and even Asia and Chinese’s companies join into the rank.